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"We Support the Death Penalty!" - Pro-Life Group

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - A group of pro-lifers urged Congress to pass the death penalty bill before Christmas, Friday.

In a hypocritical and ironic move, pro-life and anti-abortion group Pro-Life, Abstinence-only Sex Therapists International Coalition (PLASTIC) urged members of the Philippine Congress to pass House Bill No. 1.

The bill seeks to re-impose death penalty on "heinous crimes", according to its proponent, Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez.

The House of Representatives is set to approve the death penalty bill on December.

The group said that they want the death penalty now to combat the rising level of drug-related crimes.

"Here at PLASTIC, we believe that every life is sacred. That's why we... uhh... support? Yeah. We support the death penalty," said Kristin Buang, President of the pro-life group.

When asked by the media if it's against their message of being pro-Life, Buang defended the group's position saying that they believe the President's words that death penalty deters crime.

"The President knows what is best for us," she said.

According to research, there is no evidence that supports the claim that death penalty deters crime.

This article is a satire.

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