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Hygienix Use Tasteless Extrajudicial Killing Ad to Sell Product

QUEZON CITY, Philippines - Popular hand spray brand Hygienix draws flak from netizens after posting a parody of extrajudicial killings in a popular mall in Quezon City.

The brand owned by Splash Corporation propped a dead germ mascot on the second floor of Trinoma mall with a placard that says #GERMS WAG TULARAN. 

Extrajudicial Germ Killings

The advertisement evokes a crime scene, complete with police line and markers and urge the public to support the fight against germs.

Social media users are quick to point out the insensitivity of Hygienix's marketing team, calling the ad "tasteless".

"The ad was an unwelcome attempt to make light of the fact of the murders that are currently plaguing the streets," said one of the passers-by. "Parang normal na lang ngayon." (It seems so normal nowadays.)

Duterte fan groups react

Meanwhile, prominent Duterte fan group DutertAddicts have expressed their support for Hygienix and their campaign against germs.

"Effective naman so pinag-uusapan," said the fan group's spokesperson, Dina Lego. "Gagamit na ako ng Hygienix ngayon kasi sinusuportahan nila si Tatay Digong."

They said the group will look forward to more germs getting killed by alcohol vigilantes.

This is part truth, part satire.

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