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Bongbong Offended With Duterte's Anti-Oxford "School For Stupid People" Remark

OXFORD, England — After President Rodrigo Duterte's remarks against the University of Oxford, former senator Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos said he was offended.

"I am offended," said BBM. "I earned a diploma in political science at St. Edmund Hall, Oxford University in England in 1978."


President Duterte aired a scathing tirade against Oxford University after the latter released a paper detailing the use of a social media troll army by the president.

The study was entitled Troops, Trolls and Troublemakers: A Global Inventory of Organised Social Media Manipulation and talked about the use of social media manipulation by politicians.

According to the study, Duterte paid $200,000 to people in exchange for them promoting and defending him online using trolling tactics.

"Now I do not need it. I do not need to defend myself against attacks. I stated my piece during my inauguration and my campaign," said the President. "Oxford University? That’s a school for stupid people."

Bongbong offended 

The former senator responded to the President's accusation with a friendly call-out. "You don't think I am one of those stupid people, do you?" said BBM, addressing Duterte.

Bongbong Marcos indeed study at Oxford but was exposed as having only earned a special diploma and not a Bachelor's Degree. The diploma was also for social studies, not political science.

When his aide reminded him that he didn't actually earn a diploma there, he whispered "Archimedes Trajano" and the aide went silent.

This article is a satire obviously.

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