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War on Games: Will the Philippines Ban Clash of Clans Next?

 Is Clash of Clans next?

A few days after DotA got banned in a village in Cavite, netizens are getting concerned about the government banning another popular game, Clash of Clans.

Clash of Clans is currently a mobile game craze that is proven to be quite addictive within the youth sector in the Philippines.

Speculations on whether the government would ban the mobile game erupted among netizens after a barangay council in Cavite banned the game Defense of the Ancients "out of love".

"Aside from DotA, we're currently looking into other games and we see that Clash of Clans may in fact impact the studies of our Filipino youth. We may have to impose a ban on it" said a Cavite barangay official.

Clash of Clans' gameplay places players into developing a village and raiding other players' villages to steal resources.

"We see that the game involves raising 'barbarians' in order to steal money and elixers (sic) from other players. This is stealing. Stealing is punishable by law," added the barangay official.

The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines or the CBCP fully supports the banning of CoC.

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