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Is This Dress A Mind Control Experiment By The CIA/Illuminati?

It was the dress the broke the internet.

A lot of people have debated in social media on the colors of this dress. Two camps rose. Team Blue and Black and Team White and Gold.

Some say that the disparity between the colors perceived by the retina and cortex and transmitted to the brain leads to color constancy calibration. The brain makes sense of the colors and interprets them relative to the colors around it.

But is it that simple? Or is there more to it?

Professor Jeremiah Li Sun, professor of psychology from the prestigious Piànjú University in Beijing, says there might be something sinister about it.

"My colleagues and I were discussing about the photograph. One of us decided to check it using Photoshop. We were surprised with what we saw."

"It says CIA Classified. It's subtle but it's there. I think this is one of the mind control experiments of the CIA and Illuminati."

He says that the Intelligence agency may be gathering the data through social media. And what use for this data?

Professor Li Sun continued "People who saw white and gold have weak minds and can be subjected to mind control. Those who saw blue and gold has strong color comprehension caused by a strong brain, and thus cannot be subjected to mind control. That is a psychological fact."

Let's hope this isn't real. 

As for me, I see blue and gold.

This article is a satire

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